• Are you planning to remodel your kitchen but are feeling completely overwhelmed and worried about making mistakes?
  • Are you concerned about your design choices, your budget, and hiring the right people?
  • Do you drool over beautiful kitchens online but need realistic steps to make yours a reality?

Confidently craft a complete plan to transform your kitchen into a space you adore, in just a few weeks...

all-the-while learning how to save money, save time, avoid disaster, maximize your space, and have tons of fun creating the kitchen of your wildest dreams.


Your Guide on this Journey

Hey there! I'm Danya Lynn Uptegrove.

(the founder of Dwelloquent LLC)

I have been a kitchen designer for nearly 20 years now and I have helped hundreds of homeowners from all walks of life create their dream kitchens.

But my real super-power is taking many complex details and combining them to produce something that is equally beautiful and logical.

This balanced way of seeing the world not only shows through in my designs, but also in my other passions like songwriting, and planning epic themed birthday parties for my three daughters.

In this course, I use my super-power to take the many complex details that are needed to plan a kitchen remodel and break them down for you to make it a simple step-by-step process that anyone can do.

What’s Possible For You

In as little as a few weeks, at your own pace, I will walk you through crafting a complete and feasible plan to transform your kitchen into a space you absolutely love, including every detail and resource you need to implement your vision.

Imagine standing in your brand new, exquisitely designed, and perfectly organized kitchen, feeling proud of all the choices you made along the way, and bursting with excitement to show it off to your family and friends.

But, the best part is, you know your new kitchen will not only make your home more valuable, but it will improve everyday life for you and your family for years to come.

A Tale of Two Homeowners

Which One Are You?

Meet Susan...

Susan had a lovely home built in the 80s on a quiet cul-de-sac in a quaint suburban neighborhood with large trees shadowing the street and children joyfully riding their bikes down the sidewalks.

She loved her home and her neighborhood, but she knew her house was quite dated. They had purchased it a few years ago, intending to do some upgrades.

She hated her dingy cabinets and countertops and her appliances were ancient.

The layout was a total disaster for her and her family. They were always bumping into each other and did not have enough space to prep food or cook. Because of this it was always a mess.

She knew something had to be done.

She had been saving pictures on Pinterest for a couple years and had even gotten a cabinet quote from the shop down the street.

But she had no idea what her budget should be.

She kind of had an idea of the look she wanted, but she changed her mind a lot, and had trouble nailing it down.

She and her husband had different taste. He loved modern and she tended to lean more classic. She had no idea how to mesh their two styles together and make it go with the other elements of their house that needed to stay.

She thought about hiring a designer, but she wasn’t sure how much it would cost or how she could convey what she wanted.

She knew they had extra space that might be able to be utilized for the kitchen, but she didn’t know how to make a different layout work in her space.

One day her husband got a bid from a contractor that his coworker had used. He came to look at the house but he asked a lot of questions they hadn’t decided the answers to yet. He said he would send them a bid, but he was very busy, and they never heard from again.

So, Susan continued to be annoyed every morning as her family tried to get out the door, bumping into each other in their non-functional kitchen.

And, she continued to dream in the evenings- pinning stunning kitchens on Pinterest, but the other elements of life got in the way, and her wish for a beautiful kitchen remained only a dream.

Meet Gina...

Gina, as chance would have it, lived in the same neighborhood as Susan two blocks away.

Her home and layout were very similar, and she had the same dingy cabinets that drove her crazy.

She was also fed up with the way her kitchen looked and functioned, and she decided to do something about it.

She committed a little time each day to work on the project.

She calculated a budget that felt right and was affordable for her family. She felt confident that the amount they were spending would increase the value of their home without overshooting for their neighborhood. She knew how much her budget was for each product she would need and for labor and installation.

She spoke to her bank and make sure they were approved for the amount they wanted to spend including contingency money in case any unexpected expenses should arise.

She got all her measurements accurately on paper and played with different layouts until she found the perfect one.

She nailed down a style she and her husband could both love. Then she got a good idea of the products she wanted.

When she started speaking with professionals, she knew how to find ones that were the right fit for her. When she spoke with them, she knew what to ask.

She got accurate quotes and made final decisions. She found a contractor who was highly recommended and got on his calendar for later in the year.

She’s amazed and proud of herself for pulling this all together in just a couple months.

She can’t wait to see it all come together. It’s going to be better than she ever hoped!

Her secret weapon??

You guess it. The Dwelloquent Kitchen Remodel Fast-Track Planning Bundle.

What Others Are Saying

She really knows her materials and design!

Very helpful in narrowing down from a multitude of choices to an actual shopping list that you can order from.


Will certainly recommend to anyone looking for design help!

Danya was very professional with great communication skills and went above and beyond to help us design our new home.


Remodeling is Not for the Faint of Heart

I’ve spoken to client after client and one thing is clear.  Remodeling can be difficult.  It can be incredibly rewarding, but it is a bumpy journey.

There is no lack of information.  No lack of people trying to sell you their products.  And no lack of inspiration.

But the problem is, it’s too overwhelming.  Many homeowners get lost in decision-paralysis.

You just want the information you need to make the very best decisions for you so you can move to the next step, without having to surf the web for hours or deal with endless hype and pitches. 

As much as pros can help, no one cares about your kitchen as much as you do.  And no one knows what you and your family’s needs are better than you do. 

Without doing the proper homework and planning up front, you won’t know how much to spend, what to ask, who to trust, or even what you even want.

Mistakes on a remodel can be expensive and have big consequences.  I don’t want that for you. 

The Challenges are Real

The difficulty of doing a remodel has only grown exponentially in recent years with the challenges of our current times. 

With everyone stuck at home for months on end during the pandemic, homeowners quickly realized their homes weren’t working for them and turned to remodeling.

If you combine high demand with freight challenges, extended lead times, material shortages, and labor shortages, you have a perfect storm.

While things are improving (thankfully!), navigating the current landscape of this industry is tricky. 

Being prepared and having the inside track will shave months, if not years off your process.

Being informed, having a clear vision of what you want, and what you can spend, puts you lightyears ahead of other homeowners.

You’ll be able to execute faster and with more confidence, so you can be standing in you new kitchen before you know it.

Your Own Secret Weapon

This bundle of resources doesn’t just give you information, it gives you an experience.

It holds your hand through each step of the process and makes it fun!

You’ll find yourself breezing through the videos and homework, collecting rewards like a video game.

You'll be compelled to take small daily actions to reach your goal. You’ll get just the information you need at the time you need it.

Most people get to do one, maybe two remodels in their lives. So it should be special and fun. It should be savored and enjoyed.

It should be a once in a lifetime experience!

These products takes the stress out of the process and gives you a clear and direct process to accomplish your mission.

With lifetime access, you an come back to the information and resources whenever you need.

Inside, you will find straight talk from a pro to help you save money, time, avoid disaster, maximize your space, and have tons of fun creating the kitchen of your wildest dreams.

These days when customer service seems to have gone by the wayside, Danya is the exception.

She has been such a major part of getting my project completed the way I envisioned.

From the start, she helped me make the most of my space.

When I had to make some changes, she was right there helping me make decisions that solved problems without hurting the overall design.

She seems to always take the time to help whether it is just a little decision or something major.

I can honestly say that I would not have been able to do this project without her.



What You Get:

Your bundle will consist of the Kitchen Remodel e-Course as well as several resources and bonuses within your personalized portal.

The course is the backbone of the bundle and consists of SEVEN MODULES.

Your videos and worksheets will walk you through your remodel planning one step at a time and keep track of your progress as you TAKE ACTION in each section to propel you forward.

Your Resources page within your portal will house your other documents and downloads to keep you organized.

Here is your bird's eye view of what is included:

The Kitchen Remodel e-Course:


Your Big Picture Vision

Module 1 will help you start to home in on your style, vision, and wish-list. You'll start to get clear on how your space will look, how it will make you feel, and how to describe it to others. You can stop endlessly scrolling online and nail down what you really want in your beautiful new kitchen.


Budgeting and Money Matters

Module 2 will answer two of the biggest questions any brave remodeler will ask at some point- "how much should I spend?" And, "how will I pay for this?' We will dive deep into these questions and more so you will know what your budget is and how your budget breaks down into each aspect of your remodel. You will breathe a sigh of relief knowing you have a solid financial plan to use going forward and that your dollars are being used wisely and improving your home's value.


Layout and Zones

Module 3 will walk you through how to maximize the space you have into a well organized masterpiece with flow and organization that will make every day of your life easier. You will be amazed at how much better your home can be utilized so you can accomplish any task that takes place in your kitchen comfortably and have every tool and gadget you need at your fingertips.


All Things Design

Module 4 will teach you basic design principles that you can use to bring the wow-factor to your kitchen. Whether you choose to hire a designer, or tackle it yourself, you will feel confident mixing finishes, textures, patterns, and colors to get the look and feel that speaks to you and will stand the test of time. You will love getting to make your morning coffee in a room that is right out of a design magazine because you took the time to understand and apply these important principles.


Product Selection

Module 5 is all about selecting your products and finishes to make your vision a reality. This is where your budget, layout, and design concept all come together. You'll acquire basic knowledge on all the major elements that make up a kitchen so you can shop with confidence and clarity. Picking out each item will be fun and satisfying as each item falls into place to create your dream kitchen.


Hiring Your Pros

Module 6 will walk you through exactly which professionals you need to hire, how to find them, and what to ask to make sure you are making the best choices for you and your home. Remodeling a kitchen is a team job, and you'll want a rock-star team to back you up on this important purchase.


Executing the Plan

Module 7 is time to pull the trigger. Once you've done your homework, finalized your choices, hired your dream-team, and feel confident making your remodel happen, we'll show you what to expect and how to make the process as stress-free as possible. You'll be proudly having a celebration party and clinking glasses in your amazing new kitchen before you know it, since you persevered, followed your plan, and believed in your vision!

Planning Tools

You’ll get several Planning Tools in your bundle to ensure your kitchen remodel success!

The Workbook

Your Workbook pages will make doing your homework and research easy. With each completed page, your vision will be come clearer, and you'll be amazed at how it comes together. You'll kiss overwhelm goodbye as we walk you through the process one small step at a time. You won't just learn about how to plan a beautiful kitchen, you will take action and bring it to life.

$79 value

The Exclusive “easy-button” Budget Calculator

Your budget calculator will help you hone in on exactly how much you need to spend and a clear budget number for each aspect of your remodel. You can rest assured knowing you have a clear financial plan to follow. If you've received this for free, we'll take it a step further.

$79 value

The Measuring and Layout Guide

Your measuring and layout guide will show you exactly what to do to communicate the details of your space. We'll walk you through what is needed and how to draw it out so this sometimes-daunting task will be simple and quick.
$49 value

The Ultimate Kitchen Remodel Checklist

You'll receive the Ultimate Kitchen Remodel Checklist so you can confidently move through your project knowing you won't forget anything important. With this resource in hand, you'll be able to stay organized, and make your new kitchen a reality quickly and easily so you can show it off to your friends and family before you know it.

$99 value

The Bid Tracker

Your Bid Tracker will help you keep track of and compare all of your quotes and make the very best decisions for your project.

$49 value

Complete Screening Guide for Hiring Professionals

This includes questions to ask and a checklist to ensure all your bases are covered before bringing any professionals you hire aboard.

$79 value

But That's Not All...

You’ll get several BONUSES to ensure your kitchen remodel success!

20+ Done-for-you Kitchen Product Selection Boards with clickable Shopping Lists

These includes a variety of styles for you to consider. Use them as-is or tweak them to your personal style.

$1500+ value

(You would pay a designer for multiple hours for just one of these.)

*** Designer Discounts***

If you join, I consider you my personal client and I am happy to extend my designer discounts at several major local and online retailers and vendors. This bonus alone more than pays for your investment in this course.

$2500-$25,000 value

It's time to finally create the kitchen of your dreams.



or 4 payments of $89

We love privacy and don’t share your info.

Full Money Back Guarantee

We understand these are challenging times and you need to feel like you’re making a good investment, so naturally we offer an unconditional money back guarantee.

If you aren’t thrilled with the value we provide, just email us within 30 days of enrolling in the program and we’ll issue you a full refund.

To Recap, You Will Receive...

  • THE COURSE with SEVEN MODULES packed with value
  • THE "easy-button" BUDGET CALCULATOR
  • 20+ "done-for-you" PRODUCT SELECTION BOARDS

It's time to finally create the kitchen of your dreams.



or 4 payments of $89

We love privacy and don’t share your info.

What the Future Holds for You

Imagine standing in your brand new, exquisitely designed, and perfectly organized kitchen, feeling proud of all the choices you made along the way, and bursting with excitement to show it off to your family and friends.

But, the best part is, you know your new kitchen will not only make your home more valuable, but it will improve everyday life for you and your family for years to come.


How long will this take?

The simple answer is, not nearly as much as if you were to do this on your own.  Most homeowners take 9 months to plan a kitchen, you can do it in as quickly as just a few weeks.  How long it takes you depends on how much time you can devote to it per day, or per week.  Each video is pretty quick,  I’d say on average between 10-20 minutes, just full of the information you need without a lot of fluff.  So if you’re in a hurry and want to binge it, feel free to do so, it’s work at your own pace.  If you do a little bit every day and shoot for one module a week of seven, you could have your entire remodel completely planned in 7 weeks.  I’d say 12 weeks is a good goal and easily doable.  But it’s definitely up to you, it’s a work at your own pace situation.

What if I’m not ready to start yet?

I totally get that, sometimes it takes some time to get your ducks in a row and be ready to take on such a major project.  I know people say this a lot, but I’m really being serious when I say, I can’t keep this pricing for long.  So I would recommend that you take advantage of this major deal now.  And also, it’s honestly never too early to start planning.  If you want to update your kitchen, and you put in the work up front to find out how much it’s going to cost to do what you want, not just in theory but in real hard numbers, then you’ll know what your goal is and you can pull the trigger on it when you’re ready.  But it’s never too early to start planning.  Not planning ahead on a kitchen remodel is the biggest mistake I see homeowners making. 

Is this bundle for DIYers or is it okay if I plan on hiring a designer, contractor, or other professionals?

The answer is, this is for anybody doing a kitchen remodel in any capacity.  For you brave homeowners who want to DIY any of your project, or be your own contractor, this will help you immensely.  But if you want to hire professionals, which I do recommend when it’s needed, nothing in this bundle prohibits you from doing so and it will help you find the right people for your specific situation.  The truth is, nobody cares about your kitchen remodel as much as you do.  Even the best professionals.  So even if you plan on hiring people, I recommend that you be as involved in the many decisions as you possibly can.  Your project will be better for it.  This bundle will help you manage all of those decisions and details without the stress of trying to figure it out on your own.  I do want to clarify that this is not how-to information for any of the actual labor that goes into a kitchen.  I’m not going to show you how to lay tile or anything.  This is for the planning and management.  But you’ll have such a greater understanding or the remodel process as a whole, it will help you no matter who you plan to hire or not hire. 

How is the information delivered?

I’m so glad you asked, this is super exciting.  So, in order to increase your chances of success and make this bundle even more fun for you, the course and the other resources and bonuses are actually what I would call gamified.  So, you actually get points for taking each small action, and the program makes cool noises, and you get little rewards along the way, so the way it’s set up, it actually compels you to keep taking action, kind of like a video game.  So it’s really fun.  The information in the course is delivered by video, and the other resources are either in PDF or for spreadsheets, you’ll have a choice of Google Sheets, or Excel to keep track of your information.  You’ll be given access to your personalized portal, where you can always access the materials. 

How will I receive support during the course?

Technical support will always be available.  You’ll have emails for all that within your portal.  I will be available for any questions that you have in my facebook group which is called Kitchen Remodel Planning Support.  You don’t have to purchase anything to connect with me there, it’s a free group, and you can connect with other homeowners in there. 

But if that seems like, not quite enough, if you’d like to have personal support from me, you’ll have the opportunity to add on unlimited email support from me for the duration of your project on the checkout page as an additional monthly fee.  I can help you with your design, answer any questions you have, give a second opinion, trouble shoot, whatever you need.  Cancel any time you don’t need me anymore.


In addition to that, if you’d like even more personal support from me in the form of me actually doing custom design work for you such as creating your floor plans, doing renderings of your kitchen, or if you’d like to personally do your product selection, you can visit my website and look at my e-design packages, or if you’d like to add custom design work on to this bundle, there will be an opportunity to that as well after you check-out.  

I fully believe after you listen to the videos and use these resources, you will feel confident to do a lot of this on your own, but if you’d like personal help creating your design and drawing it up, I’m happy to do that as well as an additional service.   

It's time to finally create the kitchen of your dreams.



or 4 payments of $89

We love privacy and don’t share your info.

Still have questions?

We have answers.

Contact us today to see if the Bundle is a good fit for you or ask anything you'd like.

You can also email Danya at danya@dwelloquent.com any time.